Urban Imaginaries from Latin America




Part I: Imaginary Order

Armando Silva

Armando Silva


Part II: Urban Imaginaries

Media and Imaginaries

Armando Silva
From the Medellín Cartel to the Colombia Plan: Perverse Fantasies

Armando Silva
New Looks on Peruvian Television

Tulio Hernández
Beauty Queens, Martyrs to Aesthetics

Spaces and Interventions

Lisbeth Rebollo and Armando Silva
Sketch of São Paulo

Fernando Carrión
Historic Centers: Public Imaginaries from Quieto

Miguel Ángel Aguilar
The Full, Imagined, and Invisible Center of Mexico City

Amparo Sevilla and Armando Silva
Urban Fanasies from the Perspective of Dance

Natalia Fernández and Teresa Velázquez
Barcelona: Resonance, Smells, and Chromatisms

Carolina Aguerre
The Rambla of Montevideo: Between Land and Water

Mónica Lacarrieu and Verónica Pallini
Perspectives on the Youth of Buenos Aires

Armando Silva
Graffiti, Humor, and Citizens of Latin America

Armando Silva
Urban Intervention by an Anonymous Defecator

New Urban Ceremonies

Nelson Martínez
Dance of the Great Power in La Paz: New Forms of Being Urban

Guillermo Mariaca
Bodies of Air: On Three Chola Dances

Valeria Silvina Pita and Alejandra Vassallo
Mother of the Plaza de Mayo: From Dictatorship to Democracy

Nelly Richard
Women on the Street

Faces from Latin America
